Ages:10 & up A complementary art text for Lamb’s Book of ART I.
It does not matter which text you start with, simply more lessons
pertaining to lettering, drawing, color theory, perspective,
cartooning, and more. This 2nd text does include exercises that would appeal more to the older beginning drawing student, such as ages 11 – 15. Includes over 70 lessons/90 pages in a bound
softcover text. Also includes a 20-page sketchbook built into the
back of the text. Lessons may be done directly in the text or copied
for in-home use. Recommended materials are colored pencils, drawing
pencil set, black drawing pen, art quality washable markers, pencil sharpener & a kneaded eraser.
This focuses on drawing. If you are looking for our most comprehensive art education programs which include beginning painting, art appreciation, and more, please see I Can Do All Things (for ages 6 and up) and Feed My Sheep (for ages 10 and up).
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