DVD Instruction
Produced in the studios of the American Family Association
Ages 6 & Up

Mr. Stebbing believes everyone can learn to draw. It doesn’t take “talent”. In this DVD series Mr. Stebbing walks students through the basic fundamentals of drawing, step-by-step, with six entertaining courses.
Ages 8 & Up

The next step in learning the basic building blocks of drawing. Includes: more fundamentals, along with drawing objects around the house, perspective, anatomy, portraits, and more.
Ages 6 & Up

Children love color! In this set of DVDs students will learn simple rules of color theory and basic painting techniques as they create their own beautiful masterpieces. Only a set of water soluble markers, a paint brush, and a cup of water are required.
Ages 8 & Up

This set of 6 DVDs introduces students to more techniques of painting with colored markers, along with learning to paint with acrylics, (6 paint cards are included with program) and even oil paints. * Two DVDs on watercolors, two on acrylics, and two on oil painting.
(*Note: Recommend oil painting for ages 10 & up.)
Paint Cards

Ages 8 & Up

Mr. Stebbing journeys through the centuries of art history in this 12-part series as he offers biblical insight into masterpieces and artists throughout the ages.
Only $29.95!
Ages 8 & Up

Students are shown how to draw simple subject matter from nature along with pointers in penmanship, what to write about, and discussing how a nature journal differs from a sketchbook.
Journal Pages

I study with the birds, flowers, God, and myself.
Antonin Dvorak