About Mr. Stebbing
For many years, my wife Saundra and I have traveled extensively throughout North America offering 3-day art classes to homeschoolers personally instructing over 60,000 students. With this vast experience, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us, we hope that you will safely trust our curriculum in teaching and developing your children and students’ God-given ability to create.
Our purpose at How Great Thou ART is to teach students the fundamentals of drawing, painting, color theory, etc. We believe the most important quality in learning is having a good attitude; students need to believe that they can learn to draw, paint, letter and so forth. Art is not for just some, or those we call “talented.” God has given all of us, to one degree or another, abilities in art that should be nurtured. The lessons in our text have been created to be both enjoyable and educational, challenging the students while preserving their sense of joy. Our curriculum is teacher friendly; it is easy to understand and do. Each lesson contains specific learning objectives, teaching many of the fundamentals within the fine arts.
We foresee a revival in the arts, starting with our children, glorifying God through their talents; a revival to reclaim the arts through integrity and to, once again, touch the heart of mankind. Discipline, effort, goals and a program that emphasizes the fundamentals are the ingredients needed to prepare the next generation for the exciting times ahead. Remember, it is most important to have a good attitude; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) May God bless the work of your hands and make all your plans succeed.
In Christ,
Mr. Stebbing