God & the History of Art DVD


SKU: 777e Category:
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12 & up In God and the History of Art, a 12-part series on

DVD, Barry Stebbing journeys through the centuries offering biblical

insights into the great art and artists of the ages. Lessons include:

* What is Art? * The Second Commandment * Early Christian Art * Godly

Periods of Art * Christian Artists * The Dark Ages * The Monesteries

* The Gothic Period * The Renaissance * The Reformation * French

Neo-Classical Art * American Artists and Other Artists and Styles.

This three-DVD set features beautiful colors, paintings and classical

music. Recommended for ages twelve and up, God and the History of Art

provides a unique view into many of the great works of art in Western

culture. Barry Stebbing, founder of How Great Thou Art, is an artist

and educator by heart. Over the years, he has instructed over 60,000

students. Join Mr. Stebbing as he teaches about God and the History

of Art. 12 Lessons on Three DVDs

Additional information

Weight0.5 lbs


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