Nature Drawing and Journaling Book, DVD, Supplies Bundle


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The Nature Drawing and Journaling DVD is for ages 8 and up. It is a delightful introduction for anyone to this process and lifelong skill. It can stand alone as a mini course. Mr. Stebbing gives step by step instructions and students follow along as he draws and instructs.

The Nature Drawing and Journaling book was written a few years earlier, and is designed for ages 12 and up. The material covered in the two is similar, though not all the same.

The book begins with how to set up a nature journal, but goes much further in depth and breadth of instruction over time for ages 12 to adult.

This set is perfect for parents working alongside children, or for families with multiple ages of students who wish to embark on this stimulating, yet relaxing, journey together.

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Weight3 lbs


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