Art and the Bible for Children Hardcover with lesson cards


SKU: 3011 Category:
Tell Your Friends About "How Great Thou ART!"


Ages: 4 &
up This deluxe text includes 59 favorite children’s Bible
stories. Each story is written at an elementary level, yet stays
true to God’s Word. There are 36 stories from the Old Testament
and 23 from the New Testament, followed by discussion questions
along with delightful art lessons at the end of each story.
(Lessons vary in length and level of difficulty, making them
easily adaptable for multi-age level groups from preschool to
middle grades.) Art & the Bible for Children is wonderfully
illustrated by homeschoolers! This hardbound text is in full color
with glossy pages, bringing out the quality of the colorful
artwork.A set of “lesson cards” (8 1/2″ x 11″) is
included shrink wrapped with the text and is ideal for printing extra copies and
distributing to students in the classroom. These are blackline masters printed on regular weight paper for use by one child, or to make duplicating for a group easy. Art & the Bible for
Children is not only great for the homeschooling family but also
Sunday school, Christian schools, or as a gift from grandparents!View
Sample here: a recent customer:”I spent about an hour reading through and looking over Art and the Bible For Children. I can say in all honesty, that I fell in love with this one . I wish I had used it when mine were younger . What a wonderful way to immerse your children in the things of God , learn art , learn more precise motor control, help with right brain /left brain integration and focus . Actually I feel confident that far more is being achieved than even we can understand .I truly love the book . I think it a fantastic concept to set it up in that format with the lessons being able to be done in the book, which would end with a beautiful keepsake ! Can you see future generations reading this book to their children as an introduction to the Bible ? What a special thing to pass down through generations ! “

Additional information

Weight2.25 lbs


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